Sebastian's Pooh Quilt!
Pattern: Fat Quarter Baby Quilt from Two Little Banshees
Fabric: A Classic Pooh FQ bundle that I picked up at JoAnn's a million years ago plus two other fabrics that I got at Quilter's Corner
I just used prepackaged double fold bias tape for the binding, because I didn't think ahead and leave myself enough fabric to make bias tape. Please don't look too carefully at the binding - it's definitely not the quilt's best feature. :)
Here's a view of the back - it's all one piece and lets you get a better look at the quilting
Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out. I feel better now that Sebastian has a Pooh quilt like his brother and sister, plus finishing this has given me the confidence to finish the other two quilts that I have sandwiched (I know, you can tell I'm new to quilting because of the size of my "to-be-quilted" pile!)
I didn't get much knitting done this week. I feel like I want to knit, I just don't know what I feel like knitting! I'm also thinking about trying to finish up a new design. However, this week I started doing preschool at home with Robert & Caitlyn (this week we learned about dinosaurs), so now there really aren't enough hours in the day for everything I want to do! Hopefully next week I'll have a finished memory game to show you (based on this tutorial from the Purl Bee)! Have a great weekend - here's a gratuitious baby shot for you:
Oh, I'm linking this up with Finish it up Friday over at Crazy Mom Quilts!
I'm 5 months old now and finally have a quilt! |
Congrats on your first quilt! Looks like it's already getting lots of love from the little one!
Congratulations! You did a wonderful job, and that little sweetie seems to just love it. :)
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